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Earthquake - A National Disaster

Appreciation from Earthquake Why does Earthquake Occur

Plate Displacement (Tectonics) Theory The Earthquake Waves

Estimation of the Intensity of Earthquakes

Neither the Govt is Concemed, Nor the Builders Rajasthan also in danger zone

The Tale of Sheshnaag and Earthquake True or False? Earthquake, The Astronomers and the Astrologers

Dalai Lama's Prediction Proved True Astrology is the Science of Information and Possibilities

Differences between Prophet and Astrologer Comparison Between Medical Science and Astrology

Meteorology Science And Astrology



Earthquake has been declared as a national disaster. Not only in India, now-a-days all over the world, people are scared of earthquakes The devastating earthquake of Gujarat made the scientists of all over the world. Gujarat Gov. Indian Govt. & the local astrologers sleepless Which particular conjunction of stars is responsible for the death of lakhs of people. injuries, destruction of innumerable building? Why lakhs of people became homeless Didn't any astrologer, geologist or computers of the metrology department have any prediction of this devastating event Surely, it is a matter of great worry. It is a serious & burning question

related to life & death of human civilization Innumerable human beings ure curious to know the reasons of earthquake How could we know the symptoms of earthquake? And what are the safety measures, which will protect us to earthquake? Now, people are interested to read maximum articles regarding earthquake. But alas! There are no such urteles containing practical knowledge available in India. Through Internet we have come to know that books om earthquake are available in the foreign countries We have read the books and found that in those books, there are references of earthquakes having

occured in America, California, Mexico, China, Japan, Italy & Iran! There is no reference regarding earthquakes having occured in India It is because no Indian author wrote book solely on earthquake. Apart from that the style and language of this books is tough for the common people to understand This is the first ever book, which will try to pacify the curiosity of common people regarding earthquake The natural resources, environment and meteorological science of India


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