Saptarishis Astrology Magazine- Sunil John's Techniques vol-1 compiled by Vinayak Bhatt

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About The Book Sunil John's passion for uncovering the secrets of astrology led him to meet astrologers from remote locations all over India. This culminated in the launch of Saptarishis Astrology Magazine in 2008 with the purpose of sharing rare techniques not normally found in conventional books. This book is the result of years of relentless research, experimentation, and testing of theories. This collection of publitorials aims to enlighten astrologers with the deeper, spiritual aspects of the ancient science of Jyotish. Readers are encouraged to reflect on theories and techniques, to test them rigorously rather than accepting them at face value. Some of the techniques expounded in the book, namely Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi (BCP), Bhrighu Saral Paddathi (BSP), Blank Chart and Activation Theory are Sunil John's biggest yet anonymous contributions to the Jyotish world. Whether you are an experienced astrologer or a budding newcomer, this book will certainly spark within you the essence of Jyotish. Preface Saptarishis Astrology is a new name in the print media. establishing its mark in the last year. This free digital astrology magazine started in Feb 2008 with a handful of volunteer friends who only had a deep desire to bring the real working astrology out in the open. Today this quarterly magazine is read in 96 countries. Though this can be termed as a record of records, there is still a lot to be desired. Our aim is to bring the village astrologer & his secret methods out in the international forum by converting his works into English and various other languages. Today, articles published in Saptarishis Astrology have been in French, Russian, Croatian, Spanish, Hindi & so on. It has become a moment of collective effort vs. singular effort and our beloved authors & translators can see the fruits of their labor in the short time of only 9 months since the launch of the magazine. We remain indebted to Sagar Publications for inspiring us to come out with a collection of the best articles in our magazine specializing in the Predictive Part of Astrology. The proceeds of this book's sale will go into sponsoring an old needy astrologer nominated by our readers. The real secrets of Astrology are with the Yogis & not with the average astrologer of India. For Centuries the Yogis.. especially the Bhrighus (descendants of Sage Bhrighu, Founder Father of Astrology) have kept it hidden, guarding those secrets to their hearts. An average metropolitan Indian astrologer can never find these Bhrighus but some of us do stumble upon the yogis. In this lot, many are charlatans but there are genuine yogis too. Very rarely one finds them but when one does and if they open up, then their aphorisms (sutras) make us think for years as they do not speak straight. often coding their replies and wanting to make us decipher them with our own intelligence. For example, when a yogi is asked what the real secret of astrology is, many answers will come out. Foreword Astrology, what an occult science, one spanning the ancient worlds of both the West and East and spreading from there to the entire modern world. And how little we know of it when it comes to astrology, we all need to visit the Astrological Library for serious study. "Astrological Library," where it that? In no other place than India, for it is in India that untold millions of astrological Sutras and thousands of astrological techniques have been preserved. This vastness of knowledge was certain to have been found in the other ancient cultures who practiced astrology, but where did it go? No one knows for sure, but in India it somehow remained in greater quantity than elsewhere. In the early to mid-1900s astrological knowledge from India began to move with ever increasing speed into the rest of the world where it was quickly embraced with many wows and awes as it touched the growing spirituality of the world. VimshottariDasa, rudimentary Shad Bala, basic ideas about Nakshatras and planetary Yogas were there to amaze many and these along with a few other ideas quickly came to be known as Vedic Astrology. Little did anyone know.... for this was just the beginning of a world of techniques and principles that no one in their wildest dreams could ever have imagined. Just as scientists were breaking into the atom discovering untold worlds, astrologers were breaking into India to find untold words of astrological wisdom. But this was happening slowly, very slowly, until last year. Introduction In India whenever we start a project, we bow to Lord Ganeshok Lord Subramanium, the ones who bestow success, to Gurus and Parents, to Goddess Saraswati, the one who gives knowledge to Durga Moa, who is the Divine Mother and the Holy Trinity. Therefore, we now do the same and seek their blessings that some good knowledge comes out of this endeavor whereby everyone is benefited. The meaning of the word Saptarishis is Seven Soges. According to spiritualists, these Seven Rishis (sages) are the same beings as found in various other religions where they may also be called Archangels. It is believed that these Archangels or Saptarishis are working directly under the guidance of the Supreme God or Creative Force as some call it. Out of the many tasks they have, one task is to bring down to earth the required knowledge and energies to strengthen the processes of transition (Pralaya). We as astrologers are concerned with the knowledge part and here the main role of the Saptarishis/Archangels comes in. So, we also pray to them to be kind enough to bring to us that knowledge of astrology that can in reality help people in their troubled times. Throughout history, there has been a lot of controversy in both the west and east as to who are the real 'Seven Chosen Ones'. At some later stage, we will touch upon them in detail. The Satapata Brahmana and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (2.2.4) mention the names of seven rishis (or Saptarishis):-Atri, Bharadvaja. Gautam, Jamadagni, Kashyapa, Vasishta, Vishwamitra.


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