Mudra Vigyan By P. Rajnikant Upadhya [DP]

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Our body consists of five elements i Alush, Vayu, Jal, Agni and Prithvi tatva. The each finger represents the respective elements present in the body. The imbalance in the tattvas (elements) leads to the various ailments or the diseaSe in the body The Mudra Vigyan is an ancient Indian Science that is being practised for centuries. This balances and harmonizes the elements present in the body by just making some specific gestures of the fingers in particular shape It also develops the mystique spiritual powers of those who are in the practice of meditations This book unfolds the mystery of the tattvas in a very simple method and enrich the knowledge of all those people who are interested in motive medical therapies..


Introduction to Science of Mudra Vigyan

Mudra Vigyan occupies a conspicious position among celestial sciences, because entire human nervous system can he mollified with the help of this Science. It can also help to uplift spiritual development of humanity. Science of Yoga warrantees that highly subtle faculties can be achieved when might is peaceful as it is quite impossible to attain any progress when mind itself not at peace, or is disturbed Such mystical revelations have been handed down to us, in reasonable details through the Vedas, Buddha and Jain literature(s)

Ultimate aim of all the said treatises is to attain salvation but, before one could progress in his ultimate aim that attain ment of salvation]it is absolutely imperative to develop spiritual faculty Mudra Vigyan helps a person to attain an all round spiritual progress but, sadly, this Science has not been accorded any recognition and significance uptill now. rather it remained neglected If we make this celestial science an important and inseparable part of our routine life, we can achieve success, prosperity and happiness

Mudra Vigyan is an important part of celestial science and it has been referred to in many ancient treatises, in so for as the method of performance of prayers is concerned. along with requisite guidelines. Idols, pictures and replicas of various deities and great men like Buddha and Mahavira have been depicted and presented in difFerent postures (Mudras Gyan Mudra occupies the highest place among all the mudras and Jesus Christ can also be observed in such a mudra in the pictures


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