Message of Darshans By B B Paliwal [DP]

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The term philosophy covers those subjects that essay to analyse the final goal of the human soul vis-a-vis Lord Almighty or the Supreme Spirit. Nature and their interaction According to the Indian school of philosophy (Darshan) they sre said to be six in number which collectively claim that the ultimate object of human life in to attain salvation or coalesce with the Lord Supreme. These six branches of the Indian

philosophy (Darshan are: 1. Purva Mimamsa, Jaimini is the originator of this school. He was disciple of the great sage Vedavyas. This subject analyses the Aapta Shabda Nirdesha and the Saja!

Prakriya: 2 Uttar Mimansa Vedavyas is believed to have been its fount. Vedanta is the term given to the collection of the two subjects Poorna Mimansa" and "Sitara Muransa. Its best exponent has been Aadi Shankaracharya. This subject discusses the theory of non duality (Diet and delves upon the concept of Brahim Supreme Spirit).

3. Nyaya Its author in believed to be Sage Gautam. and it discussed at length the analysis of matter or 'Padartha'. 4. Vaisheshik: Sage Kanada is believed to be its author

The metaphysical theory of atomism is analysed in it. 5. Saankhya Sage Kapil is its originator or author. It is also termed "Nareshwar Darshan (visualizing the unseen). It refutes the theory of God's existence while Yoga accepts God's existence. 6. Yoga: Its author or originator is said to be Sage

Patanjali. Since the metaphysical concepts of Yoga and

Saankhya are similar they are generally bracketed together

as one subject. Yoga dwells on 'Yogic Kriyas at length How these metaphysical concepts and theories began to be developed in India has a variety of theories but essentially there are two opinions and each of them has its own significance. One of them believes that the Aryans were not the original dwellers of this region the Indian subcontinent)


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