Inner Journey By Yogi Pilot Baba [DP]

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We are using the manifested world and the human body. So, let this attractive, let it be healthy. let it be beautiful beautiful world with glimmers



hope can usher in peace and harmony The mind with the support of prana uses body and the salts Each and every element of this physical world has arisen from the Sukshm or the


astral before turning into the gross from all the elements have to go through the reverse process also is Iron Gross to Sukma (ostra) The two journeys - the inner journey and the outer journey are always acute Therefore, in the world journey shame of want is always present What is complete suffers From the sense of want The journey of mind is filled with want This wat evident in the entire Shrısti's journey In this state it becomes imperative to explore the chirtripti or the ultimate fulfillment. Abhav and swablu in its fundamental form co

exist. To return to swabhav-is known as inner journey or the staratrs. When the

realization of this incompleteness, is sense ol want dew is the process of inner journey

or the antaryatra begins. Mind moves in two directions. In the external world it can be

perceived in the activities, which spring from senses of vishay and whenit goes within, it

journeys to ils own prakriti or its natural self

lam offering this book to all humans who are eagerly waiting the tomorrow, which will illumine their lives. Thave picked up my pen alter a lapse of many years, berate, the need to write this book has finally arrived Many Years back first, I realized myself and then the Parmatma or the Supreme sell Therefore in order to have the darshan of the virat it is necessary to cognize the latent divine sell. The word Virat means the darshan or 4 THE INNER JOURNEY


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