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I am conscious of a great debt of gratitude to Amer ica and Americans. When I came to America over two years ago, 1 had no presentiment that before I returned to India, I would have written and published, not only a series of articles, but also a book trology. on As

I came to America to study and to take back with me to India, what knowledge I could absorb of those strictly modern and material sciences for which this country is famous. My ambitions in this direction have been more than realized. Difficulties of language and expression, which might otherwise have presented ser ious handicaps, have been minimized by the kind as sistance and the patience of everyone with whom I came in contact. I am therefore more than grateful that the opportunity has been given to me, to contribute, in return, something of my own, concerning the culture and philosophy of my country.

For Astrology is definitely a part of Hindu culture and philosophy. In India, Astrology is held in highest reverence. The daily lives of a majority of the people of India, particularly those of culture and refinement, are patterned and guided by the precepts and formulae of Astrology. To Hindus, as individuals, Astrology is the science of right living, or rather discriminative liv ing--that living, which is ruled by choice rather than by necessity. It is a science, which in essence and mo tive is philosophical and religious, rather than material.


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