Capturing The Aura By C.E. Lindgren [MLBD]

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"Auras are like a signature, each as individual as the person they surround." -Gina Allan Healer and author of Gifts of Spirit

"This book gives clear, safe, and practical guidance for exploring the riches in our psychic world, and provides a great contribution to contemporary how-to literature." -Claire G. Walker, Ph.D., Ed., Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

"Throughout the ages there has always been the employment of the Colour Wisdom to establish poise and harmony, to soothe and sustain, to heal and restore, and to create anew." -Roland Hunt, Author of the Seven Keys to Colour Wisdom

" exceptional work, providing a blending of theoretical, practical, historical, and philosophical insight into the world of auras and auric photography... is a must for any individual interested in the aura or the ability to see this phenomenon." - Sir Ian Jennings, Ph.D., The Genesis Academy, London, England

"...the basic stuff of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation. .. as though our expectation itself cause our energy to flow our into the world and affect other energy systems." -James Redfield Author of the Celestine Prophecy

"For most of my life I have been in a dance with the living seas of energy in which we exist. Through this dance I have discovered that this energy supports us, nourishes us, gives us life. We sense each other with it; we are of it; it is of us." -Barbara Brennan author of hands of light

The aura has been given many names over the centuries-chi'i, prana, karnaeem, and Illiaster. In fact, it has been documented for over 5,000 years. Astral lights alluded to by ancient Eastern Indians, Chinese and Jewish mystics are attributed to a universal energy permeating all matter. The aura was described in early esoteric writings and later in those of the Rosicrucians, Zen Buddhists, Christian mystics-even in the oral traditions of the American Indians. Now, Capturing the Aura brings the science, technology and metaphysics of auric investigation into a concise and readable book for the 21st century-a century that will see continuing integration of science and metaphysics into the MetaScience of the future.


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